Dr. Tzoreff, PhD (Tel Aviv University, 2007), is a Research Fellow at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies and Lecturer, Department of Middle Eastern and African History at Tel Aviv University. Dr. Tzoreff participated in a conference at the Western Galilee College on Peace Processes in the Middle East (March 2010), where she lectured on Mubarak and the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Agreement: Continuity or Change?” In May, she delivered a paper at Israel’s Middle East and Islamic Studies Association’s annual meeting at Ben Gurion University in Be’er Sheva on “From the Personal to the Collective- The Biography of May Ziadeh as a Reflection of the Attitude of Egyptian Society of her time towards “Others” and Strangers.” Dr. Tzoreff delivered a number of lectures at various institutions throughout the year. In November 2009 she spoke at Yad Ben Zvi on “Egypt during the Mubarak Era: Between Liberalism and Islamic fundamentalism.” She delivered three lectures at the Israel Liberal College on “From the Heat of Autocracy to the Breeze of Democracy- What Do Liberals in the Middle East Dream Of?” (November 2009); Mubarak’s Regime: Domestic Crises, External Challenges” (February 2010); “A Gender Revolution in the Middle East: Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian Authority as Test Cases” (March 2010). Dr. Tzoreff also spoke in March at the Avshalom Institute on the Liberal Discourse in the Middle East. In April, she lectured at Efal College on Egypt from Gamal ‘Abd al-Nasr to Husni Mubarak. That same month, Dr. Tzoreff spoke at a department seminar for graduate students at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on the collective memory issue in Egypt today under the title: “We Remember Namely We Exist: The Egyptian Forum ‘Women and Memory’ as an Alternative to the Hegemonic Collective Memory.”