Jannis Julien Grimm is a Doctoral Fellow in the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies at Freie Universität Berlin, where he investigates political violence and the dynamics of contention in post-revolutionary Egypt and Turkey. He has studied Middle Eastern Studies and Political Science in Münster, Berlin and in Cairo where he has spent several years studying and working. Investigating the transformation processes in Egypt since 2011 through the perspective of “politics from below”, Jannis Grimm has conducted field research in Egypt, Turkey and Palestine. Moreover, he has been actively engaged with practitioners in the field through his work on civil society and human rights for the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, SWP Berlin. Since 2013, he co-authors the German Development Ministry’s annual report on Egypt and is a reviewer for its Early Warning Crisis Indicator. Jannis Grimm regularly writes for several Blogs on Middle East politics. In addition, he tweets @jannisgrimm on Egypt’s political affairs.