Joyce van de Bildt-de Jong is a Ph.D. candidate at TAU’s Zvi Yavets School of Historical Studies, writing her dissertation about the contested memory of the 1952 revolution in Egypt during the periods of rule of Anwar al-Sadat and Hosni Mubarak. Joyce has co-established the Dayan Center’s new Audio-Visual Library as part of the Glazer Media Initiative and helps organize the Annual TAU Workshop on Israel and the Middle East. Joyce graduated Magna Cum Laude with an MA degree in Middle Eastern History from Tel Aviv University. She completed her MA thesis on the Moroccan government’s policy towards its nationals living abroad. In 2014, Joyce won the Dan David Prize for Young Researchers in the field of History and Memory Studies. She also received the ASMEA research grant that is awarded in support of scholarly work concerned with Middle Eastern and African Studies. Joyce participates in the MDC’s joint research program with the Mosse / Weinstein Center for Jewish Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Madison (CJS). She is a member of the Transnational Memory Research Network at the Council for European Studies, and has participated in the Mnemonics Network for Memory Studies.