Dr. Muhamed Almaliky, research fellow at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs (WCFIA) at Harvard University in Cambridge, USA
His research focus is post war democratization in Iraq. He also tracks and analyses social and political developments in the Middles East and the Muslim world. He holds Masters in public policy (MPA) and Masters in public health (MPH) from Harvard as well as fellowship certificate in international relations from the same University. Before attending Harvard, he had been a practicing physician in the field of cardiology at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia where he still does on part-time basis. He completed his primary medical studies at the college of Medicine of the University of Basra, Iraq and his post graduate medical training at Temple University in Philadelphia. He has written, taught and lectured on Iraq, terrorism and Arab spring. His last course titled: Iraq, a state in flux in which he covers governing challenges in modern Iraq. He has contributed to public and academic journals like foreign affairs, Cairo review and Harvard political review. At Harvard, he teaches a seminar on politics of health that explores the relation among policy, politics and health outcomes in various political settings as well as continuing to track and write on Iraq’s political, economic and security development post-2003.