Wesam Fouad is an Egyptian intellectual and thinker. He is specialized in political sociology and has many studies and writings on the structure of the Egyptian State and mechanisms of rebuilding it.
Follow Wessam on Twitter: https://twitter.com/wessamfauad
- Egypt: Poverty and Imbalances of Income and Wealth Distribution August 5, 2021
- Egypt Enterprise Sector Problems: The Case of Egypt Aluminum Co (2) August 3, 2021
- Egypt media between ‘soft power’ and ‘political engineering’ (2) June 24, 2021
- Egypt media between ‘soft power’ and ‘political engineering’ (1) June 15, 2021
- Limits & Dimensions of Egyptian-Turkish Rapprochement April 2, 2021
- Reality & Future of Egypt 10 Years after Jan. Revolution March 11, 2021
- Recycling pro-regime political elite in Egypt December 23, 2020
- Egypt: Protests to Set Limits for Gov. Policies September 30, 2020