Organizing in Egypt: Legislative Fact Sheet

Source: The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy

Author(s): The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy

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Since the January 25 Revolution, a number of decrees and laws have been passed in Egypt that significantly affect and implicate the key rights at the heart of organizing on the ground and online, including the rights to freedom of expression, association, assembly, political participation, access to information, and religion and belief.

Together these pieces of legislation provide important insight into how the law has been used in Egypt in recent years to define and shape the relationship between citizens and the state and to restrict key fundamental rights. This fact sheet, put together by TIMEP’s Legal Unit, tracks and spotlights some of the key laws in question, from a Protest Law which has severely curtailed demonstrations on the ground, to a counterterrorism framework that subjects those expressing non-violent dissent to terrorism prosecutions.

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