Source: The Tahrir Institute For Middle East Policy
Author(s): Unknown
Original Link:
- The Egyptian government uses policies ranging from harassment and imprisonment of individual journalists to media blackouts and channel closures to stifle freedom of the press.
- In 2016, Egypt had 25 journalists in prison and was ranked as the third-worst jailer of journalists in the world.
- Following the police storming the Egyptian Syndicate of Journalists for the first time in Egyptian history and the ratification a law that created a new media monitoring body with the power to fine or suspend media outlets, Egypt was ranked 161 of 180 countries surveyed for press freedom by Reporters Without Borders in 2017.
- This repression has stifled the ability of independent and critical media to hold the government to account.
Overall Situation:
Despite some hopeful openings for independent media after the 2011 revolution, Egypt today is among the world’s worst offenders against press freedom…
Read more at original link.