Yasmin Omar is a resident fellow at TIMEP. She has been practicing as a human rights lawyer for the last nine years. She has worked with several NGOs in Egypt and is a member of the Front of Defense for Egyptian Protesters. She holds an L.L.M. from Syracuse University with a focus on counter-terrorism, national security, and refugee and asylum law.
- Egypt’s Constitutional Court Amendments: The International System On Its Own Terms July 12, 2021
- Egyptian Lawyers: A Story of Continued Resistance April 6, 2021
- Indefinite Pretrial Detention in Egypt: Rotation and Detention Pending Multiple Cases February 9, 2021
- “Freedom for the Black Gown”: Egypt’s Crackdown on Lawyers and the Rule of Law December 10, 2019
- Probation as Compounded Punishment in Egypt April 10, 2019
- Egypt’s Constitutional Amendments: A Nail in the Coffin of Political Pluralism April 4, 2019
- Egyptian Authorities are Denigrating the Revolution January 24, 2019