Egypt’s Lost Academic Freedom

Source: Carnegie Author(s): Amy Austin Holmes and Sahar Aziz Original Link: In his speech at the American University in Cairo (AUC) on January 10, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo highlighted the inherent connection between academic freedom and economic development. He called on Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to “unleash the creative energy...

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Amy Austin Holmes

Dr. Holmes is an Associate Professor at the American University in Cairo. Her book Social Unrest and American Military Bases in Turkey and Germany since 1945 was published with Cambridge University Press. Her articles have appeared in The Washington Post, Carnegie/Sada, Atlantic Council and elsewhere. She has given TV and radio interviews with NPR, BBC,

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Tightening the Noose on Egypt’s Civil Society

Source: Carnegie Endowment Author(s): Amy Austin Holmes Original Link: The massacre on May 26 of Coptic Christians in Minya by Islamic State-affiliated gunmen was the fourth such incident in six months, following several attacks on churches in Cairo, Alexandria, and Tanta. Instead of addressing glaring security deficits—and protecting Copts, who have...

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The Attack on Civil Society Outside Cairo

Source: Carnegie Endowment Author(s): Amy Austin Holmes Original Link: Civil society in Egypt is undergoing an unprecedented wave of repression. The government is not only targeting NGOs that have played a vital role in documenting human rights violations. It appears the state is attempting to silence or subdue virtually the entire spectrum of civil

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Egypt’s Protests by the Numbers

Source: Carnegie Endowment Author(s): Amy Austin Holmes, Hussein Baoumi Original Link: On the five-year anniversary of the January 25 revolution, empty streets and the absence of people, protests, or even official commemorations have been commentators’ dominant themes. A regime that allowed, instigated, and exaggerated the size of protests to legitimize...

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