Egypt’s Escalating Islamist Insurgency

Source: Carnegie Endowment Author(s): Mokhtar Awad, Mostafa Hashem Original Link: Snapshot: Egypt is facing what is shaping up to be the deadliest and most complex insurgency in its modern history. The military-backed ouster of Mohamed Morsi from the presidency in July 2013 fragmented Egypt’s Islamist landscape...

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Egypt: The New Puritans

Source: Wilson Centre Author(s): Khalil al Anani, Garrett Nada Original Link: Egypt’s Salafi Nour Party is the only Islamist party that will compete in the upcoming parliamentary elections on October 18 and 19. The party supported Egypt’s military during their 2013 crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood, which has since...

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Revolutionary Politics and the Trap of Populist Temptation: Thoughts on the Egyptian Left, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Revolution

Source: The Tahrir Institute For Middle East Policy Author(s): Amr Abdulrahman Original Link: The Revolutionary Socialists, a longstanding Marxist political organization in Egypt, recently issued a controversial statement calling on...

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Working Paper- The Economic Determinants of Political Islam: An Empirical Investigation of the Arab Spring in Egypt

Source: Economic Research Forum Author(s): May Attallah Original Link: Abstract: This paper empirically studies the voting outcomes of the first post-revolution presidential elections in Egypt. In light of the strong success of Islamist candidate Mohamed Morsi, I...

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Egypt: The New Founders

Source: Wilson Centre Author(s): Khalil al Anani, Garrett Nada Original Link: Snapshot: The single most powerful and prolific Islamist movement was born in Egypt, the intellectual center of the Arab world. Formed in 1928, the Muslim Brotherhood was started as a social and religious club by a twenty-two-year-old schoolteacher, who...

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The Turbaned State: An Analysis of the Official Policies on the Administration of Mosques and Islamic Religious Activities in Egypt

Source: Egyptian Initiative For Personal Rights Author(s): Amr Ezzat, Islam Barakat, Ibrahim Al-Sharqawi Original Link: Read the full paper by following the original link.

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Unprecedented Pressures, Uncharted Course for Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood

Source: Carnegie Endowment Author(s): Nathan J. Brown, Michele Dunne Original Link: The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s largest opposition movement and one of its oldest, is squeezed between an unprecedented crackdown from the security state and a young generation pushing for...

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The Struggle for the Leadership of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood

Source: Carnegie Endowment Author(s): Dr Georges Fahmi Original Link: A sharp conflict over the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has played out recently. The former members of the Guidance Bureau, the top executive body that formulates the policies of the organization, are jockeying...

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Egypt’s Harsh Crackdown Could Lead to Further Violence

Source: Chatham House Author(s): Dr Omar Ashour Original Link: ‘The hands of justice [are] chained by laws,’ said Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi during the funeral of his prosecutor-general, Hisham Barakat. ‘Courts are not suitable for this moment … laws are not suitable for this moment,’ he...

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The Brotherhood’s Changing Approach

Source: Carnegie Endowment Author(s): Abdelrahman Youssef Original Link: The Muslim Brotherhood, following a long process of internal reflection and debate, has chosen confrontation as its preferred tactic to challenge the regime of Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. After nearly two years of pursuing nonviolent resistance to secure its long term interests, the group...

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Egypt’s Short and Long-Term Challenges

Source: Middle East Institute Author(s): Paul Salem Original Link: In the year since being elected to the presidency, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has consolidated a ruling coalition, restored economic growth, and brought back considerable stability to the country after four years of turmoil. But this has come with a harsh crackdown...

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Reforming Religious Discourse in Egypt

Source: Middle East Institute Author(s): Hassan Mneimneh Original Link: Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has earned numerous accolades, domestic and international, for his repeated calls for religious discourse away from extremism. Sisi has expressed the conviction that the proclivity to radicalism and conflict is not...

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