The Rawda Mosque massacre In the absence of witnesses

Source: Egyptian Institute For Studies Author(s): Haitham Ghoneim Original Link: Introduction On Friday, November 24, 2017, the village of Al-Rawda, east of Bir al-Abed town, 40 kilometers from Al-Arish in Egypt’s North Sinai Governorate, witnessed an extremely horrible massacre, where about 312 worshipers were killed during Friday prayers, in the...

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SPECIAL BRIEFING: Attack at Rawda Mosque

Source: The Tahrir Institute For Middle East Policy Author(s): Unknown Original Link: INTRODUCTION Download PDF During Friday prayers on November 24, a group of armed assailants attacked worshipers at Belal Mosque in the village of Rawda in North Sinai, killing 311 civilians, among them 27 children, and injuring 128. Egypt’s...

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The Demise of Islamism in Egypt? – The Dissolution of al-Gamaʿa al-Islamiyya’s “Building and Development” Party

Source: The Moshe Dayan Center For Middle Eastern And African Studies Author(s): Michael Barak Original Link: On October 27, Egypt’s high court ordered the dissolution of the “Building and Development” (Al Binaʾ wa al-Tanmiyya) Party, the political wing...

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Egypt’s Diversifying Insurgency

Source: The Tahrir Institute For Middle East Policy Author(s): Nancy Okail, Hassan Hassan Original Link: On two Fridays about a month apart, Egypt faced two of the worst terrorist attacks in its modern history. The attacks typify the diversifying threats this country is facing and highlight how Egypt is emerging as a new jihadi

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Islamic State in Egypt

Source: The Tahrir Institute For Middle East Policy Author(s): Unknown Original Link: Other Names: None Location: The Islamic State in Egypt’s activity has been concentrated in Cairo and Giza. The group has also claimed attacks in the governorates of Qalyubia, Alexandria, Daqhalia, Damietta, and Gharbia. Characteristics: The Islamic...

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The Attack on the al-Rawdah Mosque

Source: The Moshe Dayan Center For Middle Eastern And African Studies Author(s): Adam Hoffman Original Link: The bloody attack on the al-Rawdah Mosque in Northern Sinai, which killed 305 people, is now considered the deadliest terrorist attack in Egypt’s modern history… Read more at original link.

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Closed on security grounds: Sectarian tensions and attacks resulting from the construction and renovation of churches

Source: Egyptian Initiative For Personal Rights Author(s): Ishak Ibrahim, Mohammed Medhat Original Link: Introduction In August 2016, the House of Representatives adopted Law 80/2016 on the construction of churches to fulfill the terms of Article 235 of the 2014 Constitution, which required the House to issue a...

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The War on Terrorism in Sinai: A Watershed?

Source: The Institute For National Security Studies Author(s): Yoram Schweitzer, Ofir Winter Original Link: The November 24, 2017 attack on al-Rawda mosque in the northern part of the Sinai Peninsula, apparently by Wilayat Sinai, a proxy of the Islamic State (ISIS) in Egypt, was the most deadly terrorist attack Egypt has ever...

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Egypt mosque attack: New level of horror in decades-long struggle to control Sinai

Source: Brookings Institute Author(s): Beverley Milton-Edwards Original Link: The bomb-and-gun attack in Egypt’s north Sinai on Friday November 24 is now known to have killed more than 300 worshippers at a Sufi-affiliated mosque, making it the deadliest attack in modern...

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Egypt´s terrorist violence is a reminder of the new normal

Source: World Economic Forum Author(s): Robert Muggah Original Link: Friday´s savage attack in Egypt is a reminder that the vast majority of terrorist-related killings occur in less well known cities far from the media glare. To be sure, the brutal murder of 305 practicing Sufis in Bir al-Abed...

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Background to the Sinai conflict

Source: International Institute For Strategic Studies (Iiss) Author(s): Unknown Original Link: More than 200 people have reportedly died in an attack on a mosque in Egypt’s North Sinai province, in an unprecedented attack on civilians. No group has yet claimed responsibility, but...

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How a State of Emergency Became Egypt’s New Normal

Source: Carnegie Endowment Author(s): Nathan J. Brown, May El-Sadany Original Link: For the first time in six months, Egyptians lived for a few days outside of a state of emergency this month. And the country’s Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) ruled that ordinary courts — not military ones —...

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